How to know when it’s the right time to move on?

Change is always tricky and navigating through it takes finesse. It’s practically an art form.

I’ve learned so much about myself through this blog and created some pretty cool connections but I have to be honest.

As much I like then sound of MANA Wahine Fitness I can’t maintain the blog, at this time. Unfortunately I tried to fool myself into thinking I could do it.

In an effort to declutter I…

  • Parked 3 websites.
    • Walk Inn Beauty – Podcast
  • Funneled my energy into WholelisticFit
  • Took a lot of social apps off my phone.
    • Facebook
    • FB Messager
    • TikTok
    • Pinterest
    • Twitter
    • Instagram (3 Biz Pages)
      • Walk_Inn_Beauty
      • FoodFetty
      • ManaiaOhana
      • I still have my personal page: Hoomalamalama
  • Moved a few of my domains to Bluehost.
  • Closed Disney+, Amazon Prime (TV, Movies)
    • Temporarily paying for Netflix during the Holidays.
    • Continue with YouTube Premium, cause I don’t like commercials.
  • Helping a younger community through a program I created called C.A.R.
  • Developing an Indigenous storytelling & design brand called Maunga Designz.
  • Started a nonprofit called Indigenous Leadership Academy.

Today I’m helping to rebuild community.

How to be a Ninja Empath

What if more empaths turned into ninjas and learned how to protect themselves from energy vampires?

What if more empaths turned into ninjas and learned how to protect themselves from energy vampires? Or as my Anake (auntie) Ka’uhane says, “Mana Suckers.” People who drain your energy.

Ninja’s were trained to fight in the shadows using it to protect their identity and get the job done. They were taught to complete the mission and then disappear.

Anciently battles were fought facing your opponent but ninja’s changed the game. Which got me thinking about empaths and … what if they learned ninja techniques to fend off energy vampires [energy vampires].

Empaths face the energy of others unaware that war is about to happen. The battle field is their mind and the opponent wants to posses their peace of mind, joy and wellbeing.

To be a Ninja Empath one must learn to protect their most sacred possession… mental wellbeing.


Want to dive deeper?

The main blog is WholelisticFit and that’s where I share the holistic side to fitness. I wanted to develop a program that flows with nature and incorporates fitness for the mind, body and soul.

In case the link doesn’t work click

As I began to write this blogpost I realized that there are tools, lessons and action steps that are super important for any empath or people like me, a parent of an empath, to implement. Are you an empath? Comment below, Namaste 🙏

Happy May 1st

For all the grandma’s, mom’s and awesome aunties.

A gift for all the Moms

I created an e-course called Balanced Beauty and here’s the details…

In 60 minutes it’ll show you how to create a FOOD, FITNESS, FUN & SELF-CARE PLAN that will benefit your body throughout the year. [It’s automatically sent to you because you joined my newsletter.]

  1. Informative slides with me guiding you through the process.
  2. Download and use the PDF printable along with the tutorial.
  3. You can pause, rewind and replay the session at your convenience.
  4. Invite someone to participate with you
  5. Find out which emoji best describes your food, fitness and fun mood.

A Mother’s Day Blessing

I wanted to do something special for all the women who nurture. So I’m sending this blessing out into the world-wide-web and I hope you feel the Aloha, love.

Breakfast Hacks

I’m notorious for skipping breakfast but feeling guilty about it later. I was stressing about what to eat and forgot to eat. Then I realized, i need a simple no-fail solution. Here’s my breakfast solution, and yes they’re all oatmeal.

  • When I’m running late I’ll have a Bob’s Red Mill instant oatmeal in a cup. $1.59
  • If I feel like meal prepping I’ll do a couple of oatmeal in a jar with apricots, dates, nuts and other dried fruits. $0.75
  • Sometimes I’ll splurge and get a fresh blueberry oatmeal from Starbucks. $3.75

The bottom line is to create healthy habits. Stick to a simple no fail breakfast menu and vary your options. You’ll prevent boredom and promote balance. (Ex: different types of oatmeal.)

The number one reason I enjoy oatmeal is because of its fiber content. After all fiber scrubs the colon and we all want our colon to be clean. (Right) There’s other benefits but being fibrous is a highlight.

I’m focusing on breakfast because our country, USA, has a backward view of a 1st meal. If you think about it, everything we consume has a lot of sugar or even worse… fake sugar.

  • Muffin = Cupcake
  • Pancake = Cake
  • Cereal = Similar to “Sprinkles” on a Cake
  • Instant Cocoa = Milk Chocolate
  • Chocolate Milk = Creamy Milk Chocolate

Prevent boredom and promote balance.

By Ho’omālamalama

The goal is to hack-away at what doesn’t work and find what does. Because a hack isn’t just a shortcut, it’s also a better way of doing something. The best way to adapt *clean eating habits is to update one meal per week, then one week of meals. My hack was breakfast. What’s yours?

*Clean Eating (my definition): non-GMO, low to zero sugar, no preservatives or additives.

Now this discipline does not include cheat-days 🙂

Cooking with co-workers.

We’ll I didn’t cook, this time, but I had the opportunity to taste it! Pickles and energy bites came from Carl’s class at the high school.

Elderberry oxymel made with elderberries, herbs, honey and apple cider vinegar. It’s a delicious tonic that my friend, Davina, has perfected over time.

Classic Treat

I enjoy eating Red Vines licorice but not all the additives and preservatives. Luckily there’s an alternative and it’s called Classic Red.

Just don’t eat the whole bag in one sitting. Check the bag for recommended daily servings per person. However if you’re like me that won’t work. So I typically share it and take a few pieces.

Oh, and it’s vegan.

March’s Fitness

When covid19 shut down the school I started online fitness for teachers. It was amazing and inspirational. The best part is that we still workout. In fact March 13th will mark our one year anniversary. Here’s this months schedule:

More stargazing! Please.

Remember when

Stargazing was cool and families, lovers and people with pets would take to the streets at night to look up. It was a healthy past time that didn’t feel like a workout. (Why?) Because it benefited the mind, body and soul.


It allows you to gain new perspective, looking at the same passageway under a different light. Opening up your mind and tapping into wonderment.


Conditioning through curiosity. You’re wondering, “What’s around the corner?” Then you look up to see a beautiful night sky approaching and take a deep breath. Brain cells are being intrigued and inspired, this is something you will never experience on a treadmill.


With all the benefits of clean oxygen and a beautiful view your soul can drink from this positive experience. Allowing mindfulness and acceptance to regenerate the deepest regions of your being. Uplifting the soul.

Include the ‘Ohana

  • Allow them to choose where you’ll walk.
  • Choose well lit, community spaces.
  • Bring flashlights and pets. (Make it fun.)
  • If you have time, pause and bring out a sketchbook.
  • Don’t look at your watch, look at their faces.

You can never take back time-spent so use it wisely. Stop regretting and start living your best life!

Try this…

  1. Schedule a day to stargaze and walk at night.
  2. Level up by alternating a brisk walk into a stroll. For example: jog to the light pole and then walk to the next one.
  3. Model the need for fitness during times of stress. Help your family adapt healthy habits because movement is a wonderful way to cope with stress. (My opinion isn’t medical advice, always consult your doctor.)

Sky’s the limit.

Looking up is the perfect reminder to our daily hustle, it connects us to the beauty around us.

Stargazing helps us live in the NOW. Stay connected and join our newsletter where we share the occasional printable and more.

Helping Others Heals

Below is a blogpost from another blogger because I wanted to share her special words.

I see shadows fly by I see figures at night I see angels up high I see demons keep tryin I see you still cryin I see them still lyin Keep moving. …

Focus on Fear or Focus on the Fight.

Getting people to help.

The truth is that there’s helpers all around but they’re waiting for someone to ask.

After reading the blogpost above I knew that I had to share it. The world around me is going through so many changes and transformations and a part of me wants to curl up and go back to bed.

However that didn’t happen. Instead I started to listen and hear the needs of others. Which motivated me and I wondered, “Who can help me, help others?”

Donations from my coworkers for a family in need. This is the time to pull together.
We have to build COMMUNITY and connection! To help those in need who would never inconvenience another human.

I’m re-sharing a poem above…

It was written on another blog and it flows with how I’m feeling. You see my small community had four funerals in one week. The pain and silence is dangerous and unbearable.

Recently a few of my coworkers from the Culture Team focused on helping one family with four teens. We tasked ourselves to make gift baskets for them and send them virtual hugs.

Fighting for PEACE

That might sound like an oxymoron but peace of mind, body and soul isn’t free. We have to fight to protect our sanity, way of life and most of all our COMMUNITY.

Yummy snacks from Costco

We armed ourselves with cuddly blankets and sweet treats with the hope of meeting their basic needs.

Don’t give up on your fellow human being(s), we’re all in this together. See you on the next blogpost or checkout my holistic Insta.

Cheat Dayz

I’ll be the 1st to confess that I live for cheat days! But even when I’m cheating I try to keep it non-GMO, organic, kosher, locally grown or homemade.

From my coconut water to hot dogs I try to keep it clean. Clean eating is basically everything I mention earlier. In fact buying your greens from a local grower is typically the better choice.

  • Most family farms don’t use pesticides.
  • They often can’t afford the “organic” label fees.
  • So they don’t charge organic prices.
  • Their produce has a small carbon footprint.
  • You’re supporting your community.

When to shop.

Buying organic isn’t expensive IF you know when and where to shop.

  • Costco has organic whole chicken which can create several dishes. You can also grab quinoa, hemp hearts, chia seeds and organic bison. (You don’t need a lot of protein but you do need more plant fiber.)
  • Fred Myers/ Kroger has an entire section of organic meats that have a regular expiration date. I typically wait for a sale and scoop up a bunch then freeze them. They also have my favorite coconut water, organic squashes and bananas.
  • Greens – You can join a local co-op or produce box membership for a community farm. They have the best eggs and their greens are tasty. (A good egg should have a high yolk and vibrant coloring.) Also check WholeFoods on Amazon.
  • Cash & Carry is a shop that sells to businesses and they specialize in offering Bob’s Red Mill grains and gluten free products.
  • Costco Business doesn’t have the famous $1.50 hotdog combo but it does have bulk garbanzo beans, organic pho noodle bowls and raw honey.


Even when I’m blowing the bank I’m still observing some form of clean eating.

For example I showed my teens how to make lasagna and we went all out!

I enjoyed every single calorie and I’d do it again!

We made several pans because we invited our Ohana over for dunch (dinner + lunch). My brother couldn’t make it so he got a pan for his house.

You’re suppose to let it sit but that didn’t happen. We watched the layers of mozzarella and Tillamook cheese ooze down the side like lava.

It was glorious.

We topped off our dunch with cake(s).

In Hawaiian we say…

Piha ka ‘opu

Full/content is the stomach.


So far my children and I have been sticking to our 4x’s or more fitness schedule. I haven’t opened my livestream sessions yet but it’s coming.

We’ve been enjoying the outdoors.